Jl. Pembangunan III No. 5 Jakarta Pusat 10130 Indonesia - Reservation (+62)21 633 1111

Meeting Room Facilities


  • 7m x 17 m


  • Restaurant 60
  • Class Room 60
  • U Shape 50
  • Theater 100
  • Cocktail 150


  • Wide Screen
  • White board and Marker
  • Notepad and Pencil
  • Mineral Water
  •  Free Wi-Fi


(+62)21 633 1111
(+62) 812-7039-777
(+62) 812-7039-777

U Shape (Capacity 50)

We're proud to have a meeting room where the next world changing decisions would be made. You focus on your ideas and plans, we focus on your comfort and facilities.

Elegant with nature

Turn a dull serious meeting into an enjoyable inspiring meeting with the mix of an elegant room with a beautiful natural view. Enjoy natural ambiance just outside of the meeting room.